How to Create an SEO Optimized Blog Post

How to Create an SEO Optimized Blog Post

You’re probably here wondering how to create an SEO-optimized blog post or how to write a blog post for SEO using Elementor. Well, to start off, let me explain to you that making money online without optimizing your blog posts without SEO in mind is quite a big NO!

Well, maybe not quite, but a BIG FAT NO! If you really want to start making money online, you need to learn how to optimize SEO blog posts. Otherwise, you will gain no traffic, and gaining traffic towards your website is key.

The main traffic will come from search engines, and to optimize your search engine results, you will need to follow certain guidelines if you want to make it on top with your Google Page Rank (PR).

We’re going to cover a few points, keep reading on, and I guarantee you’ll be more aware of how SEO will work around your blog posts!

The Use of Main Keywords

Man typing on laptop

Okay, so for the main keywords, and what I mean by that is…

You have to make sure that your main keywords should appear in the URL of your posts, your title, your meta description of the post, your first paragraph, your image alt tags, sub-headings, (h2/h3/h4, etc. while this isn’t a major SEO ranking factor, but still beneficial), Main-headings (h1), and obviously your content, but we’ll get to that later.

Getting Around Keyword Density

Keyword density plays a big role in Google SEO rankings. If you use too many keywords, then you will be doomed by Google, and you will be marked as ‘spam.’ If you use too few, it will also affect your rankings.

So in order to perfect this, refer to the above template and keep in mind that Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or keyword phrase is found in your content; so, for example:

  • the number of repeats of keyword / total number of words in content * 100 = Keyword Density.

Use Long-Tail Keywords

Woman typing on laptop keyboard

Long-tail keywords are basically a type of keyword phrase that has at least more than 3 words in the key phrase. This is basically a good idea to refine search terms on your website. Just remember not to go overboard!

Here’s an example of a long-tail keyword: ‘SEO Optimized Keyword Please.’

Try To Avoid Stop Words

What the hell are ‘Stop Words’ you say?! Well, stop words are words that are filtered and ignored by Google before or after processing natural language text.

So, for example, here are some kinds of common ‘Stop Words’ that Google would filter: the, is, at, which, on, for, and the list goes on. (There really isn’t a defined list).

So try not to use stop words; otherwise, Google will just filter them out and won’t even notice it’s there.

Remember to Use Images

Woman viewing photos

Yes, remember to use images! Images play an important role in your blog posts, and obviously, they will attract the eyes of people who are reading your posts; and plus! It will look more appealing, don’t you reckon?!

Don’t forget to include alt-tags (Alternative Text) to your images; that way, it would be even greater for SEO.

Overall Blog Post Content

So overall, you probably get the drift of how strict it is to get 1 SEO blog post into Google’s top-ranking SERP. Thing’s to remember. Keep your post length from about 350+ words, and don’t overdo it!

If you write more than probably 700 – 800+, You will probably get marked as spam, and Google will be really upset and hammer your rankings down upon you! Always remember to cover your posts with metadata.

Also, keep your content authentic and unique, you’d really want to get your audience amusedly compelled, and they may even start sharing your content, and Google loves that!

For a more creative approach you can use a WordPress quiz plugin to create unique quizzes and spice up your blog post.

Quick-Easy SEO Blog Post Steps to Remember

  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Header
  • Proper Post Slugs
  • Images!
  • Relevant Media Content
  • Sub-Headings
  • Inter-Linking & External Linking
  • Meta Data
  • Fast loading
  • Social Media
  • Use Keywords in your first paragraph
  • Keyword Density
  • More than 350 words
  • Keywords in Meta Descriptions


Properly used keywords are beneficial for your overall ranking on search engines like Google or Bing. We hope that this article helped you better understand how to create an SEO-optimized blog post.